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01. The number of foreigners going to India for fertility treatments, specially surrogacy, has dramatically increased in recent years.
A. especially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in past years. B. especially surrogacy has dramatically increased in recent years.
C. specially surrogacy, have dramatically increased in recent years. D. specially surrogacy have shown dramatic improvement in recent years.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: especially surrogacy has dramatically increased in recent years.

Specially vs especially (Specially means exclusively for, especially means-for a particular purpose); 'especially' suit the context better because 'infertility treatments' are mentioned as the class of treatments the tourists go for. Options 3 and 4 are eliminated. 'The number of foreigners' is the subject of the sentence. “the number" is always singular, hence 'has' is the correct verb. 

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02. The LHC is a magnificent engineering project, who’s many "gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.
A. whose many ”gee-whiz” feature have been widely reported. B. who's "gee-whiz" features has been reported widely.
C. whose many "gee-whiz" features has been widely reported. D. who's many “gee-whiz" features have been widely reported.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: whose many ”gee-whiz” feature have been widely reported.

Who's vs whose-whose is the possessive of who. 'many features' is plural, hence the verb has to be the plural 'have'.

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03. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, outspoken as usual, compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize with Obama.
A. compared the choice of Liu for Nobel Prize with that of Obama B. compared the choice of Liu with Obama for the Nobel Prize.
C. compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize to that of Obama, D. compared the choice of Liu and Obama to the Nobel Prize.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: compared the choice of Liu for the Nobel Prize to that of Obama,

Choice is compared, hence that of (choice of) is essential. Otherwise choice and Obama are directly compared making it an error. To identify either the similarities or the differences between two things, use "compare to." To identify both the similarities and the differences (at the same time), use "compare with." (Compared with' places the things compared on equal level.) India is often compared with China. India is often compared to the US. In comparing with something, one finds or discusses both things that are alike and things that are different.

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04. The OECD expects average GDP growth among their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011 before bouncing back to 2.8% in 2012.
A. their most rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011, B. their mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 and 2.3% in 2011,
C. its most rich members to slow between 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011, D. its mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,

Answer and Explanation

Answer: its mostly rich members to slow from 2.8% in 2010 to 2.3% in 2011,

The OECD is singular (that is why the verb is 'expects' rather than expect; the pronoun has to be consistent, hence its is necessary- their is incorrect. 'mostly rich members' is correct, 'their most rich members’ is vague. 'from' needs to be followed by 'to', not 'and.' Option 4 corrects these errors.

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05. A sphere cannot be represented on a flat plane without distortion, which will mean that all map projections will distort in one way or another.
A. which means all map projections distort in one way or another. B. that means all map projections will distort one way or another.
C. which will mean that all map projections distorts one way or other. D. which means all map projections will distort in one way or others.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: which means all map projections distort in one way or another.

The shift to future tense is unnecessary from the present 'cannot be represented' as it is a fact. It is an error to change which to that, as which introduces a descriptive clause. 'one way or another' is the correct idiom.

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06. The blame for rising obesity rates have been pinned on many things, including having more calorific diet the spread of processed food, a lack of exercise and modern man’s generally more stressful lot.
A. has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet, B. have been pinned to many things, including more calorific diets,
C. have been pinned on many things, including a calorie rich diet, D. has been pinned on many things: having a more calorific diet,

Answer and Explanation

Answer: has been pinned on many things, including a more calorific diet,

Since the subject is 'the blame'-the verb has to be singular "has'. 'pinned on' is correct idiom. 'A more calorific diet' is parallel with 'the spread of ..' and a lack of Hence option 4 is faulty parallelism.

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07. The tendency to eat late, though it has never been tested properly, many nutritionists believe, as a factor in putting on weight.
A. many nutritionists believe, to be a factor in putting on weight. B. many nutritionists believe factor in putting on weight.
C. is believed by many nutritionists to be a factor in putting on weight. D. is believed by many nutritionists as a factor in putting on weight.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: is believed by many nutritionists to be a factor in putting on weight.

There are there are two clauses in this sentence: The tendency to ent lute is believed (by nutritionists) to be a factor in putting on weight and (though) it has never been tested properly. The first clause can also be correctly constructed as "The tendency to eat lute, many nutritionists believe, is a factor in putting on weight." But, this is not among the options. "believed .... as a factor” is incorrect.

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Direction to solve :
(Pay attention to punctuation also)

08. Of the billion or so Windows machines, some 63% still uses old XP version launched in 2001, in America, the proportion of XP users are over 80%.
A. some 63% still use the old XP version launched in 2001, in America the proportion of XP users are B. some 63% still uses the old XP version launched in 2001 ; in America, the proportion of XP users are
C. some 63% still use the old XP version launched in 2001 in America, the proportion of XP users is D. some 63% still use the old XP version launched in 2001; in America, the proportion of XP users is

Answer and Explanation

Answer: some 63% still use the old XP version launched in 2001; in America, the proportion of XP users is

Portions (per cent, fractions etc..) the verb will agree with the noun what follows the of (50 of the people come from ....,. 50% of the money comes from etc) In this sentence the n noun is machines; hence, the verb 'use' is correct. When there is already a comma in any of the punctuation that replaces a conjunction has to be a semicolon. In the above sentence, there is no conjunction. Option 3 makes the sentence incorrect because the sentence is not saying "launched in 2001 in America." "The proportion../'is the subject in the next clause; hence, the verb has to be singular ‘is'.

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09. Though subjected to varying influences, the distinctive features of China’s artistic activity possess a unity which is quite as complete as that of our Western art.
A. possess a unity which is quite as complete as that of our Western art. B. possesses a unity which are quite as complete as our Western art
C. possesses a unity which is quite complete like our Western art. D. possess a unity which is quite complete like our Western art.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: possess a unity which is quite as complete as that of our Western art.

There is no error in the original sentence nor does it need any improvement. 'features' needs a plural verb ’possess'. To establish comparison 'that of' is necessary.

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10. To know by parts is science, knowing the whole as a whole is philosophy.
A. Knowledge of parts is science, B. Knowing by parts is science,
C. To know partially is science, D. To know by parts is science,

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Knowing by parts is science,

Faulty parallelism in all the other options.

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